J Bruce Taylor Chartered Professional Accountant serves individuals, businesses and not-for-profits
A full service sole-practitioner public accounting practice providing accounting, tax and professional support with emphasis on a personal and practical approach to all your financial and business needs.
Accounting Services
Bookeeping and accounting set-up
Financial statement preparation
Financial statement review and audit
Tax Services
Tax planning
Income tax preparation
Sales and payroll tax filings
Estate and retirement planning
Business Services
Business start ups
Cashflow projections and forecast
Financial analysis and review
Business valuations and succession planning
Who We Are

J Bruce Taylor
Bruce earned his Degree from McMaster University in 1989, qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1992 and has been practicing as a Licensed Public Accountant now for over 25 years.

Paula Gilthorpe
Paula is the principal of Crom Financial Services a full service provider of payroll and accounting management support.